How are you guys doing? Busy, huh? Christmas it's coming and I bet everybody it's getting ready: ornamenting the tree( how ever you are saying to that:) ), cooking, cleaning the house...making phone calls to make sure everybody it's coming home for this awesome time from this year. I'm praying that you will have a great time this Christmas, celebrating JESUS together with the people you love. I wanna share some stuff with you...It's so amazing how God is working in my life. This days I was talking with God and I told Him how much I miss going in mission and being with people, serving them , help somebody or stuff like this. And next day, guess what...somebody invited me to go with a group of young people in mission, to Ukraine. I could not believe it. SO AM

So in January I will go in Ukraine to give gifts to the kids from there (because Christmas for them it's in January) and serve. Can wait. I'm so excited about this mission.
So If you are from Romania and especially from my town (Oradea) and you wanna get involved in this mission by giving stuff/gift just contact me. I'm sure that through your gift you will bring happiness to somebody.
Please pray for us, for the weather, for protection, guidance from Holy Spirit and great appointments. You can visit this web site ( ( in case you know to read in romanian). You can find more details and read more about the organization.
I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Have a great Christmas, celebrating, together with your family, people that you love...celebrating Christ Jesus!
Cristina J.